Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Keeping Track of My Garden - Back-up Plan!

I forgot to show the back-up plan, in case all of my obsessive spreadsheeting and word processing failed.

As you can plainly see - it's very high-tech!  Just a wad (or is it a lump, clump, heap, chunk, or buttload) of tags in a plastic folder.

I try to never go in there, as it's like looking for a needle in a haystack.

But at least I know I can dig through there if needed!


  1. I think we all have some version of that. Mine are in pots, year by year. It's a great source of pride or guilt, depending upon how one looks at plant obsession.

  2. I'm just happy they are all in one place, so if I ever do need to find a tag I still have them. They would all be in my junk drawer otherwise taking up space.

  3. Hah! My system is just like your backup. I started to go through them and threw out a couple of handfuls of tags for plants that have gone to the big green garden in the sky. But I still have a boxful waiting for me to sift through.

  4. I love this. Well, at least it's in a snazzy purple envelope. I believe that any back up system is better than no system at all! Happy New Year Matthew!!

  5. I feel a bit less intimidated by your back up plan. Happy New Year, Matthew!

  6. Ah, your back up plan looks like my only plan.
