Well shit...
Tomorrow is already the 20th anniversary of my 29th birthday. Where did the time go?!?
I spent the early evening yesterday watering with my gardening assistant Coco. Turns out she's not that into gardening and mostly runs around like a ding-dong wanting to play with her purple ball. She also has to constantly interrupt me while I water of course.
Last week I took myself off the appointment list for open gardens. My garden isn't really a late season garden, so I felt like people would be disappointed if they visited.
I'm too critical of my garden I know, but once the grass burns up and the temperatures rise, the garden starts looking a bit shabby. Several 100 degree days doesn't help either.
So for those that may want to see what's happening in the garden, below is a little tour on an August evening.
Happy Summer!
My birthday plant: Tricyrtis 'Miyazaki' |

Coco and her favorite ball.
The weird leg is part of the shade support for the goldfish.
Shedteau Yvette
Poor Thunderbolt Hosta is getting squeezed out
Statler looking handsome
This Agastache is a little out of control.
The path to the rose garden.
Lobelia tupa with the "floppsies"
The fish are in there somewhere.
The Azara has grown like crazy. Waldorf in the back.