Nothing tells me it is Spring more than the appearance of Trilliums in the garden.
Just waking up from a long Winter's nap. |
I have placed a stone in front of each patch, so when things warm up in the Spring, I begin to look for them.
Trillium erectum
(Wake-Robin) just out of the bark and unfurling. |
Their appearance also means I have to be ever vigilant with my rambunctious French Bulldog Yvette, because of her fondness for steamrolling my flowerbeds chasing squirrel-ees, crows and airplanes (yes, airplanes). I know that Yvee can take out an entire stand of tender Trillium in one bound and once a stem is broken, there's no going back. I have some Azaleas missing entire chunks due to her antics.
Azalea "Yvette Steamrollered" |
Although I have several different types, it is hard to beat the common white grandiflorum for beauty and fragrance. If you get down to their level, they are quite fragrant. They truly are beautiful and their ability to bloom pure white and then change with age to a red wine color is striking.
Trillium grandiflorum (White
Wake-Robin) |
They are good buy at the nursery also, generally for around $8 and you may get lucky and get a pot with more than one stem. In just a few years, they slowly spread into little groups with multiple flowers.
I generally deadhead them once the flowers are done, so that they don't put all their energy into making seeds, but, I have had luck with letting some of them go to seed and spreading the seeds around myself. This year, I have noticed several new plants in places I would never have planted one. Ants will also help with seed distribution.
They are very happy in dry shade with supplemental summer water. The leaves will last all summer provided they are taken care of. They can get a little tattered by fall however, and some do disappear over summer.
Lots of babies popping up! |
This year, I have one group that has had some interesting variations - one of the flowers almost looking orchid-like.
Another beauty is this Wake Robin. The flowers are a pretty chocolate brown. Unfortunately, the flowers nod, so you really have to get down to their level to enjoy them.
Trillium erectum
(Wake-Robin) |
Trillium flexipes (Bent
Trillium) |
Trillium luteum (Yellow Wake-Robin) |
Trillium recurvatum (Bloody Butcher) |