Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Whimsical Garden Tchotchkes

I admit that I love my "Homie Gnomes".  What's a "Homie Gnome" you say?!? 

They are Gnomes but they are "hipster" Gnomes.

How can you not love a Gnome wearing a leather coat and a wallet chain or Gnome with a skateboard?!? They seem like such a "Portland" thing to have.

"Blaine" the Gnome
"Pants on the ground" Gnome
The Lents Farmer mascot
That being said, I drew the line at five garden Gnomes, but sometimes it's tempting to add more. Now they even come as bobble-heads, but that would be weird, right?!?

I recently came across some options for future garden tchotchke additions. 

Let me know what gets your vote!

Assistant Yvette could have posed for this?!?
Botticelli approved?
Not a Homie Gnome
Ed Asner?
Our Lady of the Bunnies
Perhaps something for the lily troughs?
Fire hydrant or mushroom?
The boot would be cute filled with Sedums!
That bear is pretty cute!
One of these things is not like the other.
Sad puppy or Mickey?
Cute otters in a fountain