Friday, January 5, 2018

Upcoming HPSO Talk "Gardening in the Pacific Northwest: What's trending"

Two great gardening people that I am happy to call my friends, Paul Bonine and Amy Campion, have written a book together called: "Gardening in the Pacific Northwest - The Complete Homeowner's Guide".

It's a guide of what sort of trees, shrubs and perennials to plant in the Pacific Northwest with a focus on specific plants that do well in our various climates. There is also useful information on how to deal with various soils, pests and other gardening problems in the Pacific NW.

Additionally, Paul and Amy are giving a talk on Sunday, January 21, 2018 at Portland State University Hoffman Hall at 1pm (doors open at noon).

They will be talking about the latest trends in Pacific NW gardening and what plants work best. The plant knowledge Paul and Amy have is amazing, so this event should not be missed.

Cost for HPSO members is $10 and non-members $20. Registration is required. (Go HERE for registration details).