Thursday, April 28, 2022

Welcome to 2022!

I haven't blogged in ages, but I thought I better say that I survived 2 years of Covid gardening, fires, smoke, hail, snow and cutworms! And now I'm excited for the possibilities of 2022! So far this spring, the Mardi Gras Gardener and I attended Hortlandia and GardenPalooza at Bauman Farms and boy did that feel good! It was nice to see old friends, find a few new garden treasures and to feel something a little closer to normal. Our annual Adelman's/Sebright/SGG trip is coming up soon, but a little later than normal. I'm getting the garden ready for my first "open" garden on May 7th with HPSO's SE Gardens tour and I anticipate a lot of visitors. Part of the joy of having a garden is in sharing it with others. There are a few small projects to get done yet, some of them caused by our late April snow that caused a lot of damage. To get the garden in tip top shape, recently my neighbor helped me get 3 yards of mulch that I spread like a maniac in between rain and hail storms and then I ended up popping two ribs out of place trying to turn my head in the car to park a day later. Old age and gardening sometimes don't mix! I should be recovered by May 7th and will hopefully see dear friends and their faces! Happy Gardening! Matthew and Cosette


  1. Hello! I stumbled upon your blog quite accidentally – it’s a story not worth going into but, my kids just bought a house in the Lents Area and they are very keen farmers. You can’t miss the place it’s a great big mint green house directly across the street from Lenz Park on 88th and Holgate Dash middle of the block. Anyway it’s almost half an acre and I was researching it because I’m told the man who used to live there had lots and lots and lots of dahlias I thought maybe someone in the neighborhood would remember that I’m starting to think maybe it wasn’t dahlias And maybe it was irises. Anyway if you get over that way stop by their yard and say hello they are always out working they have something called a hookah culture I think Huger culture I don’t know anyway they love to talk gardening and they are very friendly they are Ben and Eva.

  2. Hello - I do know the house you are talking about and I want to say the gentleman grew Bearded Iris or lots of onions in raised beds?!? I drive past that house when I get gas at the Freddies station. Welcome to the neighborhood. Feel free to point them to this blog. I often open my garden through the Hardy Plant Society and it's an organization they might consider joining.

  3. It sounds like you have had an eventful year, but I am glad to hear that things are looking up for your garden.
